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The Coaching Process and Fee Structure

Coaching can occur virtually with video (e.g. Zoom), by telephone or in person, so geographical location is not an issue.

  • Before we start, I encourage you to contact me by phone or email to set up a confidential and complimentary introductory session. This gives us a chance to meet each other, discuss what it is you want and determine whether coaching is the best way for you to get it. At that time, we will go over logistics, including fees and answer any questions you have about coaching and how we will work together. If after this initial session, a coaching relationship seems appropriate then we will move forward.
  • Coaching is a process of learning and change. Clients are asked to make an initial four month commitment which includes an initial Foundation session, followed by 8 coaching sessions. In this way, clients create time for themselves to make and experience changes and begin to feel the benefits. Depending on the issues brought to coaching, you can expect results in 3-6 months.
  • The initial 1.5 hour Foundation session will be conducted virtually, by telephone or in person, as suits you and your location.
  • We then proceed with eight 50 minute coaching sessions typically scheduled 1-2 weeks apart as suits your schedule and what you are working on in coaching. Email contact is available between sessions.
  • Fees for our initial nine sessions (Foundation + 8 coaching sessions) are billed in advance, in blocks of three sessions. Subsequent sessions are billed individually or as we arrange to suit your specific needs.

A significant portion of my practice includes corporate and executive coaching services. Please contact me to discuss your or your organization's needs and the process and fee structure for corporate coaching services.